
About me

My name is Tower Joo(朱涛 in Chinese), which have the following meaning:

  • Tower means a great traditional building, which stands for thousands of years
  • Joo is my family name to match my Chinese name’s pronunciation.

I’m living in Beijing, China and I graduated from GUCAS for my master degree, and XIPT for my bachelor degree, in which my major is Computer Sciences.


I love Python, which a great elegent and stupid language. I use Python to work on Social Game, scripts, prototype and etc. Django, Sphinx and other Python related stuffs are my favorites too.

You can find my blog from mindsbook and you can also follow me at @towerjoo twitter (for twitter), and @towerjoo sina (for sina).


Contact me

You can contact me from the following ways:

Anything with the site or share of python/social game/startup related stuffs will be welcomed.

About the docs

These docs are for my knowledge management. Using sphinx to record What I’ve learned, what should be noticed, what tips can be used to ease something.

I hope the knowledge database will not just benefit myself but also can help others to avoid some difficulties and traps.

All docs will evolve.